How to create Python Modules

If we want to build a module, we need to save the script we want in a “.py” file. In this case, the name of the Python file is changed to become the name of the module.

For Example,

In this example, we will first create a function called “welcome” and save it as a module with the name i.e. name of the file, and with the extension “.py”.

Open your Visual studio code and go to the Explorer tab or simply press CTRL/CMD + Shift + E. That will open the Explorer tab. From there, under Desktop, left-click and click on New File. Create a new file name

The file will open as a tab to code in. Type the following code:

def welcome (name):
  print("Hello, " + name +" to 30 Days of Python")

Using Python Modules

When we want to use the module in our program, we will use the import keyword. When we want to get only a few or specific methods or functions from a module, we will use the from keyword.

NOTE: This is how we use a function that is from a module we have imported:


Now to use the module which we have just created, we will use the import statement:

For Example,

In this example, we will Import the new module we named newmodule, and then call the function we created in that module with a given argument:

To do this, you can create a new Python file, or use the same file we have been using from the onset. Anyway, whatever file you create or open to import a module, once it is saved, it will import.

Type in this code in a fresh IDE:

import newmodule
newmodule.welcome ("Tobby")


Hello, Tobby to 30 Days of Python

Ha-ha! There’s an error in my message while creating the function in the module earlier. But you get the point, right?

Instead of writing the new code every time, I can simply import this module and call that function without having to define anything in my new code.

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