Slicing lists in Python

Slicing in Python means cutting out a part of a list you wish to use in another part of a program. Based on indices of the items in a list, we can slice lists.

For example, by taking the list we created and calling my_list, we can slice it. Look at the following codes closely:

my_list = ["Hey", 3, 4.5, False, 2.0, 'Me', True]
print (my_list [2:5])

Here is the result:

[4.5, False, 2.0]

my_list = ["Hey", 3, 4.5, False, 2.0, 'Me', True]
print (my_list [:])

Here is the result:

[‘Hey’, 3, 4.5, False, 2.0, ‘Me’, True]

In the same way, we can Replace anything in the list with a new value.

For example, our list my_list:

my_list = ["Hey", 3, 4.5, False, 2.0, 'Me', True]
my_list [1] = 'Three'

print (my_list)

Look at the result:

[‘Hey’, ‘Three’, 4.5, False, 2.0, ‘Me’, True]

Apart from what we have done so far with lists, there are so many cool things you can do with Python lists. In the next tutorials, I will show you some cool programs that are done with lists that can blow your mind.

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